We have been blessed in having groups of faculty and students from Johns Hopkins School of Nursing come down to visit and work with us twice a year. They have been helping us with our ongoing Water and Sanitation Community Development Project and, most recently, with a new Census Project (see our upcoming newsletter for more details!). On their last visit at the end of May, they led some educational programs at local primary schools in the area. One of the schools was in a community called Campagne, located about a 2 hour walk from the end of the road! The women were troopers and did a great job of navigating the rocky terrain, led by our Community Coordinator Gemi Baptiste. Here some of them are coming down a steep mountain path:

Many of the children in the school had never seen white people before, so they spent a lot of time staring at the teachers rather than listening to the translator. Here are some little ones who were thrilled to show off their coloring skills:

In addition to their teaching responsibilities, the students did find some time to go the the beach located not far from our home in Jérémie. Here is the happy group in the warm Caribbean water:

Their hands show the diversity of their backgrounds:

Each student had a unique story to tell regarding their journey to nursing school. We’re hoping their future journey may lead them back to us some day!


We had a group from Avera Health in South Dakota with us in early June (see the upcoming newsletter for more details of their visit). The group helped us out in a number of areas, including teaching breast self exams to our female patients. They used a breast model to demonstrate the examination technique and many of the patients, including the men, were fascinated by the teaching. Here is Tammy using the model to teach a patient:

The team also did Pap smears, with equipment and supplies that they brought with them. Here are Tammy and Devyn in the Pap Room:

Dr. Scott Peterson, family physician, saw a range of patients for us, in addition to doing lots and lots of Pap smears. Here he is with a little patient who received a beanie baby in addition to a great consultation:

Not to be left out, several of the little girls received dresses brought by the group:

Here is Scott with Lisa (RN), Devyn (pre-dental student) and Louise (RN):

You can read more about their visit in our upcoming newsletter. Stay tuned!

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