by Dr. Katie Wolf,  Jeremie, Haiti

The past few weeks have brought some rain to our area, a brief trip to the US for me and continued construction progress.  Here are some new photos to show you that the work continues to go on!

The floor of the outdoor latrine was poured and the walls have gone up.  Here are the workmen pouring the columns of the latrine:

Pouring latrine columns

Pouring latrine columns

No good work gets done without a qualified supervisor.  Here’s Cherlie giving pointers on how to finish the latrine:

Cherlie inspecting latrine

Cherlie inspecting latrine

Meanwhile, the pipes have been hooked up to the septic tank.  Now, all we need is water to flush the toilets!

Septic tank pipes

Septic tank pipes

The walls of the reservoir up on the hill are being built as well:

Reservoir rock wall

Reservoir rock wall

Remember the blog where I mentioned that the workmen are living up at the site and cooking their own meals?  Well, here is a pot of rice and beans on the fire with the chief cook standing by:

Cooking pot and cook

Cooking pot and cook

We’ve had a number of thunderstorms in the afternoons lately, which is good for the farmers but leads to a slippery ride down the mountain.  A storm was on its way when I took this photo of afternoon fog in the valley behind the clinic:

Afternoon fog in the valley

Afternoon fog in the valley

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  1. Mary Ann Lee on September 5, 2013 at 4:27 pm

    Glad to see all the progress. You are so wonderful at keeping us informed for prayer. Don/Bob/Audrey fly out tomorrow. Know that we will be praying for safety and work to be accomplished.

    Mary Ann Lee
    ECCEC head of school

    Ps 78:4…showing to the generations to come the praises of the Lord

  2. Jen R. on September 5, 2013 at 5:56 pm

    Do you ever need volunteers. I will be in Jeremie in Jan. I am a critical care RN in NY. I have a strong ER backround. Will be in Jeremie for approx. 10 days in Jan.

    • Catherine Wolf on September 25, 2013 at 8:48 pm

      Hi Jen. Why don’t you email me directly and let me know more about your visit to Jeremie. My email is Appreciate your interest in helping out!