Note From Executive Director Dr. Catherine Wolf

Note From Executive Director Dr. Catherine Wolf We recently completed a total make-over of our website (, which we hope you’ll take the time to peruse. As I wrote up a summary of each aspect of our work here in Haiti, it gave me a chance to reflect on all the wonderful things the Lord…

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Something Bigger Than Yourself

staff and promoters graphic

Something Bigger Than Yourself At Centre de Sante de Gatineau in Haiti, we want our clinic staff and community development workers to feel proud to be affiliated with us. We want them to feel that they are part of something that is larger than themselves, accomplishing an important mission for the Lord and for the…

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Heartache At our outpatient clinic in Gatineau, we often hear stories from our patients that break our hearts and cause us to get on our knees in prayer to the Lord. A woman recently told me that she had escaped from Port-au-Prince few weeks ago as gangs attacked and burned her house. She was at…

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Returning Our Promoters to Their Roots

Community promoter

Returning our Promoters to Their Roots At a recent meeting with our 24 volunteer Community Promoters, who were trained as part of our Water and Sanitation Program, I encouraged them to get back to their roots. In the past few years, they have expended lots of time and energy helping us with our Earthquake Relief…

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Program Update

Program Update Goat ProgramThe New Goat Program that was started in 4 communities last May is now going into its second generation as offspring from the original female goats are old enough to be gifted to a new set of recipients in the same community. It’s this “multiplication” effect that is so special about this…

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Willing to Share Your Time or Talent?

Share your time and talent

Willing to Share Your Time or Talent? Do you have time or a talent that you would like to share with Friends for Health in Haiti on a short-term or a long-term basis? The Friends for Health in Haiti US operation involves one part-time employee, a board of directors and dedicated volunteers. Event Planning and…

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Words From Our Executive Director In Haiti

Words From Our Executive Director in Haiti Most of you have probably heard about the tragic deaths of a young American missionary couple in Haiti this past month. They were living and working in an area just outside of Port-au-Prince, where gangs have been active for many years. They apparently had never had problems with…

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Warmly Welcomed Back to the U.S.

Cherlie ready to take off.

WARMLY WELCOMED BACK TO THE US Early in March, as the gang violence in Port-au-Prince increased and the international airport was forced to close, the US Embassy strongly suggested that all US citizens consider leaving Haiti. Not knowing how widespread the violence would become, Cherlie and I (Dr. Wolf) decided that we should make an…

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Where, Exactly Is Home?

Our home in Jérémie

Where, Exactly is Home? We talk about coming “home” to the US but the reality is that “home” for Cherlie and me is actually where our work and our ministry lies, in Haiti. We sat in the comfort and security of the US for nearly two months, grateful for the love of friends and family,…

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What Makes Our Clinic Special

Little girl receiving a new Christmas dress from the nurses in our pharmacy.

WHAT MAKES OUR CLINIC SPECIAL There are many things that make Centre de Sante de Gatineau special. First and foremost is the fact that we do a good job of correctly diagnosing patients’ medical problems and we have the appropriate medications, given in the appropriate doses to treat them. In addition, we have a very…

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