The week before Haitian President Jovenel Moise closed the airport in PAP and essentially put Haiti in a lockdown, we had a wonderful visit from our friends at Kingston Presbyterian Church (KPC), Dr. Wolf’s home church in Kingston, NJ. This was a trip that was planned for two years, since the visit a year ago…

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The year 2020 began with a bit more political stability here in Haiti than we had for most of the previous year. But, we are still requiring our visitors to fly back and forth between Port-au-Prince and Jérémie in order to minimize any travel risks. We were very happy to welcome another great team from…

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Taking Advantage of the Seasons

n Our lives in rural Haiti revolve around the seasons, not winter, spring, summer and fall but dry season and rainy season. There are two rainy seasons in Haiti, October/November and April/May. These are usually the months when we go back to the US for board meetings and fund-raising activities and we’re glad to miss…

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Blessings in a Time of Turmoil

We had the pleasure of hosting another hard-working team from Avera Health Systems in SD two weeks ago. They were able to fly to and from Jeremie, alleviating safety risks from the political instability here in Haiti. The team included team leader Kathy English, RN and her husband, Dr. Gil English. Gil is an OB/gyn…

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Meetings are Good!

n That was the conclusion of a meeting we had last Friday of all 24 of our volunteer Community Promoters. We try to meet with them periodically to get feedback regarding their work in the communities and to update their skills and knowledge in educating people about water and sanitation issues. This meeting was especially…

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Tired of Hearing about Latrines? Well, We’re Not!!

We have made great progress these past few months in our Water and Sanitation program, thanks to funding from an International Rotary Club grant, our wonderful community workers and motivated communities. Our task was to build 210 latrines in 6 communities high up in the mountains where we have our second set of 12 Community…

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An Intrepid Avera Team!

We are pleased to let everyone know that we were blessed this past week by a visit from a very intrepid group of people from Avera Health System in South Dakota.  Avera has been bringing medical groups to help us out in our clinic three times each year but with the recent political unrest in…

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A Visit that was Meant to Be!

On February 7th, 2019 opposition parties in Haiti called for people to take to the streets to protest the present government of President Jovenel Moise.  The underlying feeling was that this would be a day of protest and things would get back to normal quickly.  But, as is often the case here, the demonstrations quickly…

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