Progress on Many Fronts

by Dr. Katie Wolf It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, which can mean one of several things. One, there’s nothing interesting that’s been going on, two, I’ve been having problems with internet and/or computer or three, there’s too much going on and I’ve been too busy to report on it! In this…

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Board of Directors Visits Clinic

In early November, 2014 the FHH Board of Directors held their board meeting in Haiti for the first time, instead of their usual meeting location in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.  Several board members have visited the clinic previously, in various stages of construction, and some were there for the first time.  Here is the first guest blog…

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Emergency Medicine in the Living Room!

September 28, 2014 Last evening the living room at Cherlie and my house turned into an Emergency Room. Around 5pm, just as the skies opened with a heavy rainfall, we heard a voice calling to us from the driveway. It was the head masonry foreman at our clinic site, a young man named Mackenson. He…

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Thank the Lord for Grandparents!

It is not uncommon in Haiti to have children being raised by grandparents or other relatives. Sometimes their parents are living, but are unable to provide for the child. Sometimes, the parents are no longer living together and one of the grandparents assumes care of the child so the parents can be free to work…

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Last Thursday we had the biggest emergency in the history of our clinic in Gatineau. There’s a family that lives near the clinic and the parents have a lot of children, most of them grown. As is typical of many people who live near the clinic, they are very poor. We’ve seen most of the…

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Life In Our New Clinic

Cherlie and I had a short break at the beginning of April when we went up to Milwaukee for our 6th annual Hope for Haiti fund-raising banquet. It was a wonderful event and we were able to see a lot of former acquaintances, medical colleagues, Haiti visitors and meet some wonderful new friends. Now, we’re…

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Another Momentous Occasion – We Moved!!!

We’ve had a number of significant events in the history of Friends for Health in Haiti since Cherlie and I started our ministry here in 2007.  One of the most significant occurred on Monday, March 17th when we moved all of our patient operations into the new clinic building.  We had been delayed in doing…

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Christmas Update

Dr. Katie Wolf writes the following from Haiti: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Cherlie and I and the rest of the staff of Centre de Sante de Gatineau and Friends for Health in Haiti would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  We would also like to thank all of our…

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By Dr. Katie Wolf Okay, everybody, sing to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”: Lave, lave, lave men nou                      Wash, wash, wash your hands Lave men nou chak jou.                       Wash your hands each day Avan w manje, apre w twalet,             Before you eat, after you use the toilet E nou va gen…

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A Few Updates

UPDATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION-MINDED by Dr. Katie Wolf For those of you who enjoy following our construction progress, here are some photos from the past couple of weeks.  We have had a very dry summer here, which is not good for the crops, but is very good for our construction.  Rain makes it hard to…

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