Children Giving to Children

By Dr. Katie Wolf Young children who attended Vacation Bible School at my home church in NJ (Kingston Presbyterian Church) have collected toys over the past two years to give to our pediatric patients in the clinic.  Last year’s toys were shipped to us in a shipping container and this year’s gifts are waiting to…

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Patients and More Patients

The past few weeks have been extremely busy for us in the clinic, as we strive to care for all who come to us for medical assistance.  Here is a gentleman with a fever, awaiting diagnosis and treatment recommendations: This little girl wasn’t particularly sick, but she sure was cute: Kivens Jean is a three…

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Back in the Swing of Things!

Construction at our clinic site is back in full swing again, after a lull that came after the roof of the pharmacy building was poured.  We’ve changed to a new construction team and they are working quickly to finish everything that needs to be completed for us to be a fully functional outpatient clinic.  Below…

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From Doctor to Dentist

By Dr. Katie Wolf Yesterday, March 6th, was the first time our new clinic was used for patient care and it wasn’t even by us!  We had the privilege of hosting a group of 4 dentists and 10 dental students from Temple University in Philadelphia, thanks to Haitian Health Foundation (HHF).  They set up portable…

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Praise Be to the Lord!!!

By Dr. Katie Wolf On a beautiful, clear sunny day in southwestern Haiti, February 23, 2013, the Health Center of Gatineau (Centre de Sante de Gatineau) was dedicated in a ceremony attended by over 300 people.  Those attending included leaders and officials from local communities as well as the town of Jérémie, representatives from business…

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Clinic Inauguration!

CENTRE DE SANTE DE GATINEAU INAUGURATION CEREMONY FEBRUARY 23, 2013 Our new outpatient clinic, the Gatineau Health Center, is being dedicated at a ceremony in Haiti on February 23, 2013 at 9:00 AM.  Several of the board members of Friends for Health in Haiti will be attending, as well as members of supporting churches in…

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A Vision of Things to Come

I had a vision the other day.  It wasn’t a spiritual vision, but it did have spiritual implications.  I was standing on the newly completed floor of our new clinic, discussing with Engineer Nick Matthews where inner walls and doors were going to be placed.  As I did so, I envisioned in my mind what…

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Little Gifts / Big Needs

Kervenson Jean Baptiste is a four year-old boy who came to see us in our clinic a few weeks ago.  He had a cold and high fever and was crying a lot as I tried to examine him.  So, I got a little toy car out of our toy box and gave it to him,…

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A Different Type of Building Project

Ipancia Belace, a middle-aged woman, sat in the chair next to my desk as I was taking a history from her.  She had been a patient in our clinic for several years and made regular visits to us for mild high blood pressure and various aches and pains.  She took a small pill bottle out…

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Construction Update ~ Week of May 23, 2011

Rainy season has started and it has been raining almost every day for the past two weeks.  All the benches outside our clinic were full of patients when we arrived on Tuesday morning, the 24th.  It began raining in the morning and continued all day, finally stopping as we saw the last of our nearly…

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