Another Roof Is Poured

The masons work on the final, smooth coat on the roof shortly before raindrops began to fall.

On Saturday, September 26th the upper roof of the spiritual and community center up at our clinic site in Gatineau was poured. This was an all-day affair, involving over 50 workmen and was the culmination of months of hard work and preparation. We’ve shared in previous blogs about our various construction projects, beginning in 2011…

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Good Hearts and God’s Grace

We were blessed recently to have a visit from a group of friends from Milwaukee that included Ray and Donna Moon, Bob Chase, Yvonne DuCharme, Lawrence DuCharme, Brittany DuCharme and Dr. Ron Schroeder. They served with us for two weeks and did they work hard! We had asked that they come down to build cabinets…

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Emergency Room on the Porch!

“One of the guys here got cut on some bamboo and needs stitches,” said the voice on the other end of the telephone. It was Gemi Baptiste, our Community Coordinator, who was up at the clinic site directing a large group of volunteers from surrounding communities put up fencing along our property lines. The day…

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A Miracle Has Happened!

I am thrilled to report that for the first time in its seven years of existence, Centre de Sante de Gatineau now has electricity and pure, drinkable, running water! We praise the Lord for His blessing and provision for us in this huge accomplishment. And, we thank the many people who made this possible: Chuck…

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Electricity Update

I wanted to give a quick update of our weekend with missionary David Farquharson from PAP, who came out to help install our solar electrical system. We spent three very busy and somewhat exhausting days up at the site (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) with David and about 25 workers and had a very productive time.…

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Thank the Lord for Grandparents!

It is not uncommon in Haiti to have children being raised by grandparents or other relatives. Sometimes their parents are living, but are unable to provide for the child. Sometimes, the parents are no longer living together and one of the grandparents assumes care of the child so the parents can be free to work…

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Life In Our New Clinic

Cherlie and I had a short break at the beginning of April when we went up to Milwaukee for our 6th annual Hope for Haiti fund-raising banquet. It was a wonderful event and we were able to see a lot of former acquaintances, medical colleagues, Haiti visitors and meet some wonderful new friends. Now, we’re…

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Another Momentous Occasion – We Moved!!!

We’ve had a number of significant events in the history of Friends for Health in Haiti since Cherlie and I started our ministry here in 2007.  One of the most significant occurred on Monday, March 17th when we moved all of our patient operations into the new clinic building.  We had been delayed in doing…

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The Lord Reigns! Our Roof is Poured!

I woke up this morning at 5am and my heart sank as I looked out the window and found the sky filled with thick clouds.  “Our roof”, I thought, as I contemplated the disaster that would befall us if it rained hard while the roof was being poured.  A few hours later, we were up…

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