The Clinic Has Walls!

Construction of the new clinic has continued at a promising pace this week. After pouring the concrete floor last week, the masons started placing blocks for the walls of the clinic on Tuesday, and as of yesterday, they had finished the 6th row of blocks. We were also able to lay out the pharmacy building…

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A Vision of Things to Come

I had a vision the other day.  It wasn’t a spiritual vision, but it did have spiritual implications.  I was standing on the newly completed floor of our new clinic, discussing with Engineer Nick Matthews where inner walls and doors were going to be placed.  As I did so, I envisioned in my mind what…

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Building for the Future

This slideshow was originally shown at the annual “Hope for Haiti” banquet back in April of this year. It is a visual summary of the past year of construction at the clinic property in Gatineau, during which a bridge was built across the creek on the site, the storage depot was built, and work began…

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March Construction Update

We recently bid farewell to 2 more teams from Elmbrook Church who were very helpful in continuing the work started by previous teams, including patient data entry, the preparation of meds for clinic, and wood-working projects. Thus concludes a 2-month season in which 5 teams joined us in ministry here, blessing us with their moral…

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More Visitors

As of last week, the storage depot has doors, which is big because it gives us a secure place for all our construction materials. For the past 2 weeks, we enjoyed having some folks from Oakwood Church in Wales, WI, stay with us in Jeremie. Some stayed for only the 1st week, some stayed for…

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Visitors Galore

Over the past 4 weeks, we have hosted a number of volunteer groups from our partner churches in the U.S. The first group was our good friends from the Presbytery of New Brunswick, New Jersey. The  14 of them filled meds, organized patient charts, entered patient information into our new database, installed doors throughout the…

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Almost There

We are oh-so-close to having a rainproof storage area, and we are optimistic that the roof of the Storage Depot will be poured later this week. Here are some photos from the past week, during which the construction crew built wooden & bamboo formwork for the upper beams and roof of the depot.  

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When the Cats are Away, the Mice will…Work

This week was another that saw considerable progress on construction of both the storage depot and the clinic buildings, even as the head honchos of FHH – Dr. Wolf and Cherlie – were away on a brief trip to the U.S. 2 workers continued to make concrete blocks that will be used in the depot…

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Moving Right Along

Last week was an eventful week of construction, which was very exciting for me. [By the way, this is Nick. I will be the author of most of the construction updates on the blog. My apologies if my writing is too engineer-y.] Significant progress was made on the warehouse building, and the foundation is now…

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