
Construction of the clinic and warehouse buildings is moving along steadily, and there is visible progress with each passing day (except for days when the rain intrudes). Last week, the foundations of both buildings were dug, 3 tons of iron rebar were delivered to the site for use in the concrete footings, and all of…

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Welcome Nick Matthews

We’re very excited that Milwaukee native and UW-Madison graduate Engineer Nick Matthews is now here in Haiti with us.  He arrived about ten days ago and is already hard at work learning Creole and going over construction plans with his Haitian engineering counterpart, Paul Chèry.  Nick expects to be here with us for a year…

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More Photos!!

Here are some more photos from the developing construction site as of September 13, 2011.  Enjoy! The engineers expect to mark off the corners of the buildings and begin to dig the foundation next week.  We’ll keep you posted!

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It’s beginning to look a lot like…

No, it’s not Christmas, but our clinic site is beginning to look a lot like a construction zone.  We had to wait a few weeks for one of the Department of Transportation bulldozers to get repaired, but it is now busy at work preparing the site to lay the foundation for our construction warehouse and…

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Progress at the Clinic Site

The last week of June found the construction workers busy building retaining walls that extend out from the newly-constructed bridge upstream and downstream on both sides of the creek.  Here are photos from June 30th: As you can see from the following photo, the creek water has now been diverted to flow under the bridge:…

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A Final Look at the New Bridge

The plywood and planks that were used to frame up the bridge were removed once the concrete was dry.  Now, workmen are clearing out mud and debris from under the bridge, after which they’ll start building retaining walls along the sides of the creek, directing the flow of water under the bridge. Here are photos…

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The Bridge Has Been Poured!!

A major event in construction jobs here in Haiti is the “cement pour”, and whether it’s a floor or a roof or a bridge, it’s a big deal and a big day.  The construction workers up at our clinic site in Gatineau have been preparing for the past few weeks to pour the top of…

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Construction Update ~ Week of May 23, 2011

Rainy season has started and it has been raining almost every day for the past two weeks.  All the benches outside our clinic were full of patients when we arrived on Tuesday morning, the 24th.  It began raining in the morning and continued all day, finally stopping as we saw the last of our nearly…

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Work on the bridge continues!

This week brought more progress on construction of the bridge over the creek running through our clinic site.  The floor of the bridge was poured last weekend and this week the workmen placed the iron bars that will be used to support the walls of the bridge: Here is a view of the bridge and…

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Construction Update

Progress continues on the road and bridge construction.  Materials including cement and iron rebar have been transported to the site (our patients are now sharing their waiting room with piles of cement bags) and the creek area is being prepared for placement of the foundation of the bridge.  Here are some photos from last week’s…

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