Hope for Haiti Banquet

The third annual Hope for Haiti banquet was held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on April 16, 2011.  Over 200 people were in attendance and it was an enjoyable time for all.  There was an extensive silent auction, an exciting live auction, unique Haitian crafts, delicious dinner and wonderful company.  Much thanks to all…

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Ready, Set, Go…Again!

Well, Cherlie and I are on the move again, back to Santo Domingo today and, hopefully, on to Port-au-Prince soon after that.  We spent the past few days in Florida, catching up on correspondence and paperwork, gathering meds and supplies and packing up to go back home to Jérémie.  First, we’ll be checking in with…

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Haiti life has both surprise and tragedy

Last Thursday, we had a surprise visit at our clinic from several Haitian Public Health Department personnel from Port-au-Prince. They were there to inspect our present facility (our little tin-roofed house), evaluate the future clinic site and assess the need for medical care in the area. It represented the final step in a process that…

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The Little Things in Life

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that we take for granted, like electricity and running water. In our little “house clinic” in Gatineau, we had neither electricity nor water. On cloudy days or in the late afternoon, it was difficult to see our patients or write on their charts due to lack of light…

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