We have been blessed to have visits several times each year from our friends from the Avera Health system in South Dakota. This group of hospitals and clinics has a tremendous commitment to mission work in the world and we are blessed that they have chosen to partner with Friends for Health in Haiti as…

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Cherlie and I spent a few weeks in April in the US, visiting with churches and family in the NY/NJ area and attending an annual fund-raising banquet and board meeting in Milwaukee. We visited lots of people and churches, did multiple presentations and enjoyed the comforts of life in the US! The banquet was very…

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Reflections During a Time of Tragedy

By Executive Director Catherine E. Wolf, MD MPH I finally have a slow but present internet connection so I can give you a personal update with regard to our situation here in Jérémie, Haiti.  As you’ve seen on the news and read on our website, Hurricane Matthew was a devastating storm with widespread destruction and…

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Let Us Lock Arms Together

By now, we’ve all heard of the catastrophe caused by Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean and within our borders. News channels have been documenting how Hurricane Matthew has destroyed communities of people, now surviving on the mercy of others. As a Haitian living in the United States, I sat in the comfort of my home and…

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Hurricane Update from Jérémie

Now that regular communication with Dr. Wolf has been restored, we are learning of the full extent of the devastation from Hurricane Matthew and what assistance is most needed. Dr. Wolf explained that better than 95% of homes between Jérémie and Gatineau had tin roofs. Virtually all of those roofs were blown off and any…

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Wednesday Hurricane Update

This will be a brief update because, like so many of you, we are still awaiting news of Dr. Wolf and Cherlie.  We have spoken with contacts in Port au Prince but none of them have been able to reach those in Jérémie as of yet.  It is common after major storms for the communications to…

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Hurricane Matthew Update

We received news this morning from Cherlie’s sister Yasmine who spoke with her earlier. As of 5:50 AM, Dr. Wolf and Cherlie are safe but they are without electricity and have been up most of the night battling flooding in their home due to the high winds and rain. We have no details about damage…

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The Tragedies of Life in Haiti

There was a death yesterday of a sixteen-year-old boy.  When we heard about it, Cherlie and I both lowered our heads and cried.  They were tears of pain and frustration, at the country we live in and the limitations of our own capabilities.  We had seen the young boy in the clinic on Thursday, orphaned…

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Moving Into New Digs!

As many of you know, we have been functioning in the clinic with our pharmacy temporarily located in the same room as our registration desk and medical records.  The “actual” pharmacy is located in the adjacent lab/xray/pharmacy building but we were unable to move into that area because we didn’t yet have wooden windows installed.  …

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