A Matter of Time

As you all know, Saturday night was the night when clocks changed for Daylight Savings Time in the US. For the past four years in Haiti, the time changed as well. So, we thought this year would be no different. On Saturday morning I drove a group of visitors into Port-au-Prince and took them to…

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Good Hearts and God’s Grace

We were blessed recently to have a visit from a group of friends from Milwaukee that included Ray and Donna Moon, Bob Chase, Yvonne DuCharme, Lawrence DuCharme, Brittany DuCharme and Dr. Ron Schroeder. They served with us for two weeks and did they work hard! We had asked that they come down to build cabinets…

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New Adventures

Whenever we have visitors here in Haiti, Cherlie and I try to be creative in designing activities for them that use their skills and gifts and also enhance our ministry here. Since we are in a development stage as an organization, we sometimes use our visitors to “test the waters” for us, asking them to…

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The Mundane Things of Life

Due to my perfectionist tendencies, I’m not a very good blogger. It’s because I want to be sure that anything I write is well-written and says something significant. I realize those are not really priorities in the social networking realm, but it’s hard to break from well-established habits! In this blog, however, I am going…

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Happy Easter!

All of us at Friends for Health in Haiti would like to wish you a very Happy Easter weekend. In Haiti, Easter weekend is a time to eat special foods (eggs, cassava bread, cabbage made from palm hearts, beets, fish, etc.) and attend special church services celebrating the resurrection of Christ. This weekend we share…

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Five Years Ago Today

Today, January 12, 2015 marks the five year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that occurred in Port-au-Prince, leaving thousands dead, more wounded and millions without homes. Since that day, millions of dollars have come into the country in the form of aid, most of it to provide relief for the immediate needs of the population…

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Board of Directors Visits Clinic

In early November, 2014 the FHH Board of Directors held their board meeting in Haiti for the first time, instead of their usual meeting location in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.  Several board members have visited the clinic previously, in various stages of construction, and some were there for the first time.  Here is the first guest blog…

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The Cost of Educating Children

Jean Flobert Marcellus is a patient of ours. He’s also a Haitian government-certified school teacher, assigned to teach in a school that is about a six hour walk into the mountains after you reach the end of the road! The locality where the school is located is called Lopino and it is one of the…

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Reaching Out to the Communities

By Dr. Katie Wolf A few months ago, Cherlie and I accompanied some visiting nursing students to the local Gatineau public school for a day of school screening exams.  We weighed and measured the height of each child, checked their blood pressure, listened to their hearts, gave them worm medicine and a month’s supply of…

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