Ready, Set, Go…Again!

Well, Cherlie and I are on the move again, back to Santo Domingo today and, hopefully, on to Port-au-Prince soon after that.  We spent the past few days in Florida, catching up on correspondence and paperwork, gathering meds and supplies and packing up to go back home to Jérémie.  First, we’ll be checking in with…

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Final Impressions

After a whirlwind 12 days in Port-au-Prince, Cherlie and I arrived back in Florida on Friday morning, having “hitch-hiked” on another helicopter from Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo and then getting a plane flight to Miami.  We felt a mixture of sadness and relief as we left the country we now call home – a country…

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Helping in Port-au-Prince

Our tent clinic is presently set up in the yard next to Cherlie’s house in Port-au-Prince and 12-15 Relief International team members are using the house as a base camp.   It’s been a challenge for us, to say the least, since it’s not a house we’ve ever lived in fulltime, and isn’t set up…

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Grief and Miracles

The white tents were set up quickly and supplies placed in each one.  Chairs and tables were strategically arranged for patient consultations. Local students were hired as translators and security guards were placed at the front gate.  By 11 a.m. Wednesday morning our clinic was up and running. Not one of us knew what to…

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Dr. Wolf checks in from Haiti

If ever I was  proud to be an American,  it was on Monday.  Cherlie and I joined the team of Relief International in the airport at Fort Lauderdale.  We flew a commercial flight to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic at 6am, then took a taxi to a nearby military base.  There we met up…

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Ready, Set, Go!!!

The past few days have been quite a whirlwind of activity for Cherlie Severe and myself, as we’ve tried to assess the situation in Haiti from our vantage point in south Florida.  We had planned to fly back to Haiti on Tuesday and resume our normal clinic activities.  But our plans, like those of the…

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How to Help

We appreciate your interest in our organization and your desire to help alleviate the tremendous suffering of the Haitian people.  At this time, we are not able to accept any volunteers to help us in Haiti. We do appreciate your financial support, however, because the ongoing expenses related to running our clinic in Gatineau will…

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The Earthquake and FHH

Dear Friends, Shortly before 5pm on January 12, 2010 a 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, it’s epicenter 10 miles southwest of the capital city of Port-au-Prince.  Since then, there have been reports of widespread death and destruction, with the collapse of houses, buildings, and walls all over the city and surrounding areas.  The effects were felt…

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The Walk

The young boy sat across the desk from me as I asked for the second time, “So, you came all alone to the clinic today, just you, without any parent or brother or cousin or anyone?” He shook his head confidently as he answered, “No, I came all alone,” as if it was no big…

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