HIV in Haiti

Clarice sat in her chair on the side of the desk in my examination room, looking intently at the little test cartridge.  I was talking to her as the HIV rapid test result was developing.  I realized she probably wasn’t hearing much of what I said – she was concentrating on the test cartridge.  I…

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Small Miracles

One of the most gratifying aspects of our work here in Haiti is when we see positive results of our medical treatment.  Each patient presents a challenge to the physician, both in terms of diagnosing their illness and in deciding the proper treatment for that illness or condition.  Obviously, the more experience and knowledge a…

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Stories and Tears

There are times when our patients’ life stories bring tears to the eyes of both Cherlie and me.  One such episode occurred recently and I’d like to tell you about it.  A man and his wife had come to the clinic a few weeks ago with their infant daughter.  She had a large growth on…

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Haiti life has both surprise and tragedy

Last Thursday, we had a surprise visit at our clinic from several Haitian Public Health Department personnel from Port-au-Prince. They were there to inspect our present facility (our little tin-roofed house), evaluate the future clinic site and assess the need for medical care in the area. It represented the final step in a process that…

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Little Did I Know!

This past weekend I had to make a quick trip into the capital city of Port-au-Prince. We periodically ship supplies to Haiti through a mission organization in Grand Rapids, Michigan called Rays of Hope for Haiti. They pack up containers, ship them to Haiti, clear them through customs and put them in a warehouse in…

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The Little Things in Life

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that we take for granted, like electricity and running water. In our little “house clinic” in Gatineau, we had neither electricity nor water. On cloudy days or in the late afternoon, it was difficult to see our patients or write on their charts due to lack of light…

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Clean-up, Clinic, and Containers

It’s hard to believe it’s October already! Hurricane season will soon be over and we’re praying no more major storms will head our way. Clean-up efforts are still going on in the areas north of Port-au-Prince, which were the hardest hit by the four hurricanes that struck Haiti. The roads leading to Cayes, in the…

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Another Emergency!

This afternoon we took another pediatric patient to the general hospital in Jérémie. We had seen him, a three-year old boy, last Thursday with fever and malaria. Since his father died and his mother lives in Port-au-Prince, he lives with his grandmother in a community near the clinic. We told the grandmother that if he…

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We had a rather eventful day in clinic on Thursday, the kind of day that warms your heart and lifts your spirits. As we’ve mentioned before, the foundation of our medical work in Gatineau involves a community-based model, where the communities around us participate in all aspects of our program and, as such, develop a…

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