New Year in Haiti

We had a very quiet holiday here in Haiti, where the true significance of Christmas is not drowned out by the commercialism that is so much a part of US celebrations.  New Year’s Day is actually a bigger celebration here and it is a time to wish friends and family members health, prosperity and longevity…

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December 2007

We have just gone through a very wet rainy season and the road we have to travel up the mountain from Jeremie to our clinic site has become nearly impassable.  We’ve been pleading with the local government transportation director to make some repairs to it, so please pray with us that our concerns will be…

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November 2007

Our clinic site in Haiti is in the mountains outside the town of Jeremie.  It’s only 15 miles away, but takes over an hour to reach in a 4-wheel drive vehicle, due to the extremely poor condition of the roads.  When people in the mountains are ill, they often need to be carried down the…

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Clinic Opening – First Week Update

I wanted to give you a little update about our clinic opening on the 28th of August. There were over 100 people waiting for us when we arrived at the little house where we were to hold the clinic. We took in all our supplies and medications and got all set up, then greeted everyone…

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