Hope for Haiti 2013

The fifth annual Hope For Haiti banquet was held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on April 13, 2013.  Two hundred people attended the event and were enthusiastic and generous in their support for our medical ministry here in Haiti.  This year, the Banquet Committee and the FHH board decided to forego a silent auction…

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Building for the Future

This slideshow was originally shown at the annual “Hope for Haiti” banquet back in April of this year. It is a visual summary of the past year of construction at the clinic property in Gatineau, during which a bridge was built across the creek on the site, the storage depot was built, and work began…

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Hope for Haiti Banquet

The third annual Hope for Haiti banquet was held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on April 16, 2011.  Over 200 people were in attendance and it was an enjoyable time for all.  There was an extensive silent auction, an exciting live auction, unique Haitian crafts, delicious dinner and wonderful company.  Much thanks to all…

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April/May Travels

I recently returned to Jérémie, Haiti after spending several weeks in the US.  Here are some highlights of my visit there: 1.  The second annual Hope for Haiti fund-raising banquet was held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on April 17, 2010.  Over 250 people attended and it was an enjoyable evening for all, with…

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Cultural Adjustments

I recently spent a few weeks in the US, and my activities included a wonderful fund-raising banquet that was held in Milwaukee on April 4th.  We’re thankful to Fund Development Corporation, who helped with the planning of it, in collaboration with a great group of volunteers and our administrative assistant Tracy Bernhardt.  Over 230 people…

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Hope for Haiti Banquet update

Hope for Haiti – our first ever FHH banquet – is fast approaching!  The banquet will be held on Saturday, April 4th at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee, WI.  For tickets, please email Tracy at friendsforhealth@gmail.com. Plans are well underway and all signs point to a very fun event!    In support and celebration, please join…

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