FHH Board Nearly Flooded Out

by Dr. Katie Wolf For several years now, I’ve been trying to get the FHH Board of Directors to hold a board meeting in Haiti, rather than in Milwaukee. We finally were able to set it up for November 2nd this year and all the appropriate plans were made for the board members to come…

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And The Work Goes On…

by Dr. Katie Wolf,  Jeremie, Haiti The past few weeks have brought some rain to our area, a brief trip to the US for me and continued construction progress.  Here are some new photos to show you that the work continues to go on! The floor of the outdoor latrine was poured and the walls…

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Floods, Phones and “Deputized” Engineers

After our rain-delayed road trip, described in my last blog, we found that the same rains that caused us delay at Riviere Glace also caused havoc in the Gatineau area.  It rained there for three days straight in mid-November and caused flooding such as had not been seen by most of the community people in…

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Another Road Story!

For the past three years, construction has been under way to pave the road between Les Cayes, on the southern coast of the southern peninsula of Haiti, to Jérémie on the northern coast. As such, I thought I wouldn’t be sharing any more “road stories” with you. The old road was narrow, rocky and treacherous…

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Construction Update ~ Week of May 23, 2011

Rainy season has started and it has been raining almost every day for the past two weeks.  All the benches outside our clinic were full of patients when we arrived on Tuesday morning, the 24th.  It began raining in the morning and continued all day, finally stopping as we saw the last of our nearly…

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Another Road Story

Those of you who read this blog regularly know that our road trips back and forth to Port-au-Prince are often the fodder for interesting stories, not to mention sometimes-dangerous experiences.  We had thought that, now that the road from Jérémie to Aux Cayes is under construction and less treacherous, the road stories would become few…

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