New Jersey Comes South

We recently had a visit from ten members of churches in the New Brunswick, NJ Presbytery, including several from my (Dr. Wolf’s) home church in Kingston, NJ. It was a delight having them here and we experienced many great activities together. Some of the team members have been down here multiple times in the past…

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Happy Holidays!!!

Cherlie and I want to take this occasion to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that as you enjoy the blessings of your wonderful country you will pray for the people of Haiti who feel blessed as well, but make do with much less. For those…

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New Partners, New Horizons

By Dr. Katie Wolf Late October brought to us a work group from Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church in Denver, Colorado. Included in the group were board members Dr. Tim Bedient and Ralph Minor. Tim is a critical care and pulmonary specialist and is my nephew (Katie’s) and Ralph is an engineer who is our information…

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Progress on Many Fronts

by Dr. Katie Wolf It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, which can mean one of several things. One, there’s nothing interesting that’s been going on, two, I’ve been having problems with internet and/or computer or three, there’s too much going on and I’ve been too busy to report on it! In this…

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March Construction Update

We recently bid farewell to 2 more teams from Elmbrook Church who were very helpful in continuing the work started by previous teams, including patient data entry, the preparation of meds for clinic, and wood-working projects. Thus concludes a 2-month season in which 5 teams joined us in ministry here, blessing us with their moral…

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More Visitors

As of last week, the storage depot has doors, which is big because it gives us a secure place for all our construction materials. For the past 2 weeks, we enjoyed having some folks from Oakwood Church in Wales, WI, stay with us in Jeremie. Some stayed for only the 1st week, some stayed for…

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