Construction continued on both the clinic and pharmacy buildings last week. For the pharmacy, the masons poured the concrete footings for all the columns, after which they placed rock for the foundation at an incredibly quick pace.

Freshly Poured Pharmacy Footings

Placing Rock for Pharmacy Foundation

Working on the Pharmacy

Pharmacy as of 9/20

While the masons were busy working on the pharmacy foundation, the iron workers prepared rebar for the upper beams in the clinic, the last piece of work before the roof.

Rebar for Clinic Beams

Clinic as of 9/18

We are eager to see what this week holds!

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  1. Leslea Schofield on September 24, 2012 at 12:45 am

    Awesome progress in HIS name! I will forward to JL and Patt Williams. I believe JL is currenty in POP this week. Blessings! Leslea