We have just gone through a very wet rainy season and the road we have to travel up the mountain from Jeremie to our clinic site has become nearly impassable.  We’ve been pleading with the local government transportation director to make some repairs to it, so please pray with us that our concerns will be heeded!

Every Tuesday and Thursday we hold clinic in a little house on the clinic site.  We’ve been seeing quite a few cases of malaria lately, so we try to do some education with the patients about preventing it in the future.  Our community education begins during “teachable moments” like these in the clinic setting.  In the future, we hope to train health agents to continue this education in the communities themselves.

As the holiday season approaches, we realize how much we have been blessed by generous people like you who give to us so that we can give to the people of Haiti.  May God’s blessings be with you as you celebrate the season of our Savior’s birth.

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