Over the past 2 months, master carpenter Bob Chase has been laboring day in and day out to build cabinets for the new clinic, all from his house in New Berlin. He has undertaken the large task of building all the cabinets, then disassembling them into their separate components, and figuring out a way to package the pieces so that they can be shipped to Haiti on a 40-foot container without becoming damaged in the process. Earlier this week, Bob, Russ, and Don took all the cabinet pieces over to a warehouse in Waukesha where we will be packing a shipping container full of construction & medical supplies and sending it to Haiti within a week or two. After a couple hours of playing real-life Tetris and arranging the cabinet pieces to fit perfectly, they were able to get all the cabinet pieces to fit onto 3 pallets. They are now shrink-wrapped and ready to go! We are hoping and praying that the cabinets will get through customs within the next 2 months, before Bob and his team arrive to install the cabinets in the new clinic. We are so thankful for all of Bob’s hard work on the cabinets and looking forward to his visit in February.

-Nick Matthews

The Packers

Russ and Bob

The Cabinets

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