
On April 23, 2016, Friends for Health in Haiti (FHH) celebrated the 10th year anniversary of our organization at our annual banquet at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee.  We were honored to have close to 200 people in attendance.  Through our silent auction, ticket sales, live auction, sale of Haitian crafts and help from our generous banquet attendees as well as other donors, we were able to raise over $50,000!  All of the funds raised will be used to directly support our medical ministry in Jeremie, Haiti.  Many thanks to the Banquet Planning Committee with its chairperson Lin McKinney, advisor Barbara Tyler, banquet underwriters, table sponsors and table captains for making the banquet a successful and enjoyable event.

Keynote speakers at the banquet were founder and Executive Director Dr. Catherine Wolf and her co-worker RN Cherlie Severe.  They shared the history of Friends for Health in Haiti and the inspired journey they followed in building this exciting ministry from vision to reality.  Attendees also heard from FHH’s new Director of Development and Milwaukee resident Judith Romelus, herself Haitian-born with a burden to serve her people.

Similar to previous years, ALL money raised at this wonderful event will go to support the outpatient clinic in Gatineau and our vital community development programs. We are grateful for the generous support of all who made this our most successful banquet!

Thank you!

Click here to see photos from the banquet!

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