The third annual Hope for Haiti banquet was held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on April 16, 2011.  Over 200 people were in attendance and it was an enjoyable time for all.  There was an extensive silent auction, an exciting live auction, unique Haitian crafts, delicious dinner and wonderful company.  Much thanks to all who helped with the planning and implementation of the banquet and to those who participated, both by their presence and with their contributions.  One hundred percent of the funds raised at the banquet, as with previous banquets, will be used for our clinic construction.

Live Auction Excitement (Photo by

Speaking of construction, work is presently underway on an entry road onto the clinic site and a bridge over a creek running through the site.  This work is being done by Engineer Paul Chery, the Regional Director of the Haitian Department of Transportation.  We had asked him for advice in construction of the road and bridge, to be sure they would be built in accordance with Haitian road standards, and he offered to supervise the work for us and use his equipment and workmen to do it.  So, on April 2nd, the work was started, using a brand new back hoe/front loader that had just been sent out from Port-au-Prince.  Here are some photos from that day:

Area to be worked on

First Pass

Work in progress

Constructing the Road

Lots of spectators

Progress on the road