Hope for Haiti – our first ever FHH banquet – is fast approaching!  The banquet will be held on Saturday, April 4th at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee, WI.  For tickets, please email Tracy at friendsforhealth@gmail.com.

Plans are well underway and all signs point to a very fun event!    In support and celebration, please join Dr. Catherine Wolf, founder and executive director, and the Board of Directors in supporting the mission of Friends for Health in Haiti.

A cocktail reception begins at 6pm, where we will be entertained by members of the Ko-Thi Dance Company,  performing music from Haiti and the Caribbean.  If you’re not familiar with Ko-Thi, I encourage you to visit their website.  They are celebrating 40 years in 2009.

Dinner will follow at 7:30.  There will also be a silent auction, which is shaping up to be quite exciting with wonderful donations from area business and organizations.  There will also be a large number of Haitian arts and crafts.

Tickets can be obtained by emailing friendsforhealth@gmail.com.  Other opportunities are still available as well.  We are still accepting auction item donations and advertising for our program.  Email us if interested in these opportunities.