We’re presently reaching 48 hours of constant rainfall here in Jeremie, as a result of tropical storm Gustave. We were actually up at our clinic on Tuesday afternoon when it rained up there, but when we came down the mountain, there was no rain in Jeremie itself. That evening, the winds started, followed by rain, which has been heavy at times, then will stop for short periods, only to start up again a few minutes later. We haven’t ventured out from our house since Tuesday evening, but we’ve heard that the Grand Anse River, which is the largest river in the area, has reached the height of the bridge passing over it. This bridge is the only structure connecting Jeremie with the rest of the country. Everyone and everything coming in to Jeremie crosses this bridge and without it, we can’t go anywhere out of town. It’s a big suspension bridge that normally is about 50 feet above the water. So, to have the river reach the bridge is a notable event!

We were unable to go up to our clinic today, but trust that our neighbors up there are staying dry and safe. We haven’t had any significant damage here at our house in Jeremie, except for losing some branches on an avocado tree and a few downed banana trees.

Internet access has been intermittent lately, but we appreciate everyone’s prayers and concerns. We are likewise praying for you and for those in the future path of this storm.