As many of you know, we have been functioning in the clinic with our pharmacy temporarily located in the same room as our registration desk and medical records.  The “actual” pharmacy is located in the adjacent lab/xray/pharmacy building but we were unable to move into that area because we didn’t yet have wooden windows installed.   Well, thanks to our most recent employee Viel Laurent, our windows are now in place and two weeks ago we moved the pharmacy into its rightful place.  Look at the results below:

Shelves in the new pharmacy with bins for medications

Shelves in the new pharmacy with bins for medications

Cherlie and pharmacy technician Guy-Johns Chevalier stand in front of the new pharmacy shelves.

Cherlie and pharmacy technician Guy-Johns Chevalier stand in front of the new pharmacy shelves.

Over the next few weeks we hope to be able to move most of the stock medications from our house down in Jérémie up to the clinic pharmacy.  What a relief that will be!  Pray with us that we will soon be able to install windows in the laboratory area as well and get it set up to do more advanced laboratory testing.


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  1. Barb tyler on August 24, 2016 at 6:23 pm

    Great to hear about the progress. Prayers will continue with the wonderful work you do