N’ap frape. Translation: “We’re hittin’,” or “we’re cruising right along.” That’s the phrase our foreman, Boss Tony, used to describe our construction progress the other day. Indeed, construction is cruising right along these days.

Last week, Boss Tony & crew finished pouring the remaining columns in the clinic and began work on the concrete lintels over the doors and windows. The lintels were poured on Saturday, and this week the carpenters made scaffolding to allow the masons to place the last few rows of blocks and pour the final beams. After the beams are poured, work will begin on the roof! It’s amazing to think how far the clinic has come in just one month.

Pouring a Column

Consolidating the Concrete

Pouring a Lintel

Carpenters Making Scaffolding

Clinic as of 9/10

Meanwhile, workers have continued to dig the foundation of the pharmacy, and the ironworkers began making rebar cages for the columns in the pharmacy. By the end of the week, we expect to have most of the concrete footings poured.

Rebar Cage for Pharmacy Column

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  1. Geri Koterman on September 18, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    Wow! What progress! Exciting to say the least.