Emergency Room on the Porch!

March 23, 2015

“One of the guys here got cut on some bamboo and needs stitches,” said the voice on the other end of the telephone. It was Gemi Baptiste, our Community Coordinator, who was up at the clinic site directing a large group of volunteers from surrounding communities put up fencing along our property lines. The day…

Our Patients Love Those Knee Injections!

March 3, 2015

Last week we were privileged to have a visit from Milwaukee internists Dr. Greg VonRoenn and Dr. Dan Tanty. Both have been down to Haiti several times in the past and Dr. VonRoenn is the past President of the Board of Directors of Friends for Health in Haiti. Greg and Dan had the opportunity of…

New Jersey Comes South

February 18, 2015

We recently had a visit from ten members of churches in the New Brunswick, NJ Presbytery, including several from my (Dr. Wolf’s) home church in Kingston, NJ. It was a delight having them here and we experienced many great activities together. Some of the team members have been down here multiple times in the past…

Five Years Ago Today

January 12, 2015

Today, January 12, 2015 marks the five year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that occurred in Port-au-Prince, leaving thousands dead, more wounded and millions without homes. Since that day, millions of dollars have come into the country in the form of aid, most of it to provide relief for the immediate needs of the population…

Happy Holidays!!!

December 24, 2014

Cherlie and I want to take this occasion to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that as you enjoy the blessings of your wonderful country you will pray for the people of Haiti who feel blessed as well, but make do with much less. For those…

FHH Board Nearly Flooded Out

November 15, 2014

by Dr. Katie Wolf For several years now, I’ve been trying to get the FHH Board of Directors to hold a board meeting in Haiti, rather than in Milwaukee. We finally were able to set it up for November 2nd this year and all the appropriate plans were made for the board members to come…

New Partners, New Horizons

November 14, 2014

By Dr. Katie Wolf Late October brought to us a work group from Montview Blvd. Presbyterian Church in Denver, Colorado. Included in the group were board members Dr. Tim Bedient and Ralph Minor. Tim is a critical care and pulmonary specialist and is my nephew (Katie’s) and Ralph is an engineer who is our information…

Progress on Many Fronts

November 13, 2014

by Dr. Katie Wolf It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, which can mean one of several things. One, there’s nothing interesting that’s been going on, two, I’ve been having problems with internet and/or computer or three, there’s too much going on and I’ve been too busy to report on it! In this…

Board of Directors Visits Clinic

November 12, 2014

In early November, 2014 the FHH Board of Directors held their board meeting in Haiti for the first time, instead of their usual meeting location in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.  Several board members have visited the clinic previously, in various stages of construction, and some were there for the first time.  Here is the first guest blog…

Emergency Medicine in the Living Room!

September 28, 2014

September 28, 2014 Last evening the living room at Cherlie and my house turned into an Emergency Room. Around 5pm, just as the skies opened with a heavy rainfall, we heard a voice calling to us from the driveway. It was the head masonry foreman at our clinic site, a young man named Mackenson. He…
