Go! Pack! Go!

November 29, 2012

Over the past 2 months, master carpenter Bob Chase has been laboring day in and day out to build cabinets for the new clinic, all from his house in New Berlin. He has undertaken the large task of building all the cabinets, then disassembling them into their separate components, and figuring out a way to…

The Clinic Has a Roof!

November 16, 2012

Last Thursday was a watershed moment for all of us here at FHH. After months of anticipation, the new clinic in Gatineau now has a roof! The roof was finished last Thursday afternoon after two full days of work by a crew as large as 80 people at times. The process included mixing the concrete…

Another Road Story!

November 15, 2012

For the past three years, construction has been under way to pave the road between Les Cayes, on the southern coast of the southern peninsula of Haiti, to Jérémie on the northern coast. As such, I thought I wouldn’t be sharing any more “road stories” with you. The old road was narrow, rocky and treacherous…


October 7, 2012

Construction has again moved along at a nice pace in the past two weeks. In the clinic, workers finished pouring all concrete beams, which means the roof is up next! Tomorrow, Lord-willing, the carpenters will start the formwork for the roof, which should take a couple weeks. We recently stocked up on bamboo to use…

Construction Update

September 23, 2012

Construction continued on both the clinic and pharmacy buildings last week. For the pharmacy, the masons poured the concrete footings for all the columns, after which they placed rock for the foundation at an incredibly quick pace. While the masons were busy working on the pharmacy foundation, the iron workers prepared rebar for the upper…

N’ap Frape

September 12, 2012

N’ap frape. Translation: “We’re hittin’,” or “we’re cruising right along.” That’s the phrase our foreman, Boss Tony, used to describe our construction progress the other day. Indeed, construction is cruising right along these days. Last week, Boss Tony & crew finished pouring the remaining columns in the clinic and began work on the concrete lintels over the…

Photos from the Week

September 2, 2012

In the past week, the construction crew began working simultaneously on the clinic and pharmacy buildings. About 10 workers began digging the foundation of the pharmacy, while the masons continued to place blocks for the walls of the clinic throughout the week. On Friday, the carpenters began making formwork for the clinic columns, and the…

The Clinic Has Walls!

August 24, 2012

Construction of the new clinic has continued at a promising pace this week. After pouring the concrete floor last week, the masons started placing blocks for the walls of the clinic on Tuesday, and as of yesterday, they had finished the 6th row of blocks. We were also able to lay out the pharmacy building…

A Vision of Things to Come

August 22, 2012

I had a vision the other day.  It wasn’t a spiritual vision, but it did have spiritual implications.  I was standing on the newly completed floor of our new clinic, discussing with Engineer Nick Matthews where inner walls and doors were going to be placed.  As I did so, I envisioned in my mind what…

Little Gifts / Big Needs

August 17, 2012

Kervenson Jean Baptiste is a four year-old boy who came to see us in our clinic a few weeks ago.  He had a cold and high fever and was crying a lot as I tried to examine him.  So, I got a little toy car out of our toy box and gave it to him,…
