From Facebook

A Night of Celebration

July 23, 2024

A Night of Celebration THANK YOU for celebrating the accomplishments, hearing the needs and answering the call to support Friends for Health in Haiti as they continue their journey to improve the health of the people of Haiti. The 2024banquet celebration was a success. Thank you for sustaining the journey. Friends for Health in Haiti…

Words From Our Executive Director In Haiti

March 23, 2024

Words From Our Executive Director in Haiti “For on the day of trouble the Lord shall shelter me in safety; the Lord shallhide me in the secrecy of the holy place and set me high upon a rock.” Ps 27:5 Here in Haiti, we have been praying daily for safety as the level of political…

What In the World Is Happening in Haiti?

March 23, 2024

The present state of insecurity, gang violence and lack of government’s ability to function has been building in Haiti over the course of many years. It was exacerbated by the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in July 2021. Since that time, Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who was appointed by Moise before his death, rules by…

Our Dedicated Community Development Team

March 23, 2024

Gemi Baptiste is our Community Coordinator and he is assisted by agronomist Wilton Charles. Gemi is trained as an electrician and an agriculture technician and he’s been working with us since 2013. If anyone understands our philosophy of service to the Haitian people, it’s Gemi. When he tells me (Dr. Wolf) how he answers questions…

Giving More Bean Seeds

March 23, 2024

We’re conducting our Agriculture Program again this year by giving farmers black bean seeds in 6 new communities, 2 for each of 3 planting seasons. The first two communities were given their seeds in January with 250 recipients, each receiving 4 cans of beans. They first attended an educational session led by Gemi and Wilton,…

Executive Director Search

March 23, 2024

With an eye to future sustainability of our organization, and in an effort to decrease the burden of responsibility on Dr. Wolf, Friends for Health in Haiti recently embarked on a journey to recruit a new US-based Executive Director. This person will become the new face of FHH, responsible for the organization’s finances, programs and…

Water and Sanitiation Program

March 23, 2024

We’re excited to renew our collaboration with faculty and students at Johns Hopkins Schoo of Nursing to advance our Water and Sanitation Program. JHSON will be helping us standardize our curriculum for training new Community Promoters and will help us develop tools for monitoring and evaluation of the program. For now, our work will be…


November 24, 2020

All of us at Friends for Health in Haiti were saddened to hear of the recent passing of our wonderful friend Robert Chase. Bob was a skilled carpenter with a heart of gold and he spent the later years of his life blessing those of us on the mission field with his carpentry skills, energy…

Another Roof Is Poured

September 29, 2020

On Saturday, September 26th the upper roof of the spiritual and community center up at our clinic site in Gatineau was poured. This was an all-day affair, involving over 50 workmen and was the culmination of months of hard work and preparation. We’ve shared in previous blogs about our various construction projects, beginning in 2011…


July 22, 2020

The day after the roof of our Spiritual and Community Center was poured, Cherlie and I went up to Gatineau again to help supervise the masons as they set the first layer of blocks for the walls of the second floor. It was another exciting and productive day for us. The first step in laying…
