“Fun”draiser this Friday in Wisconsin

February 17, 2010

If you’re in southeastern Wisconsin, join the Mission River Band at Sportzone Grill and Bar in Germantown on Friday, February 19th at 8 p.m. From their website: The Mission River Band plays the great music from the “golden age of rock” – The Beatles, The Stones, Clapton, The Eagles, Van Morrison, Led Zeppelin, the Allman…

Photos from Port-au-Prince

February 10, 2010

New post-quake photos from Port-au-Prince posted on our website.  View them here.

Ready, Set, Go…Again!

February 5, 2010

Well, Cherlie and I are on the move again, back to Santo Domingo today and, hopefully, on to Port-au-Prince soon after that.  We spent the past few days in Florida, catching up on correspondence and paperwork, gathering meds and supplies and packing up to go back home to Jérémie.  First, we’ll be checking in with…

Final Impressions

February 1, 2010

After a whirlwind 12 days in Port-au-Prince, Cherlie and I arrived back in Florida on Friday morning, having “hitch-hiked” on another helicopter from Port-au-Prince to Santo Domingo and then getting a plane flight to Miami.  We felt a mixture of sadness and relief as we left the country we now call home – a country…

Article in Times of Trenton

January 26, 2010

Friends for Health in Haiti and Dr. Wolf are featured in an article in The Times of Trenton.  Read it here.

Helping in Port-au-Prince

January 26, 2010

Our tent clinic is presently set up in the yard next to Cherlie’s house in Port-au-Prince and 12-15 Relief International team members are using the house as a base camp.   It’s been a challenge for us, to say the least, since it’s not a house we’ve ever lived in fulltime, and isn’t set up…

Grief and Miracles

January 25, 2010

The white tents were set up quickly and supplies placed in each one.  Chairs and tables were strategically arranged for patient consultations. Local students were hired as translators and security guards were placed at the front gate.  By 11 a.m. Wednesday morning our clinic was up and running. Not one of us knew what to…

Photos from Port au Prince

January 20, 2010

Filmmaker Chip Duncan is in Haiti with the same group that Katie Wolf and Cherlie Severe are working with (Relief International). He’s posted a few pictures on Facebook.  You can view them here. You don’t need to be a Facebook user to view the photos (but if you are a Facebook user, search for Friends…

Dr. Wolf checks in from Haiti

January 19, 2010

If ever I was  proud to be an American,  it was on Monday.  Cherlie and I joined the team of Relief International in the airport at Fort Lauderdale.  We flew a commercial flight to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic at 6am, then took a taxi to a nearby military base.  There we met up…

Interview on WISN

January 18, 2010

Friends for Health in Haiti board members Dr. Tom Mahn and Dr. Greg VonRoenn were interviewed on our local ABC station in Milwaukee, WI.  See the interview here.
