The Little Things in Life

October 27, 2008

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that we take for granted, like electricity and running water. In our little “house clinic” in Gatineau, we had neither electricity nor water. On cloudy days or in the late afternoon, it was difficult to see our patients or write on their charts due to lack of light…

Clean-up, Clinic, and Containers

October 3, 2008

It’s hard to believe it’s October already! Hurricane season will soon be over and we’re praying no more major storms will head our way. Clean-up efforts are still going on in the areas north of Port-au-Prince, which were the hardest hit by the four hurricanes that struck Haiti. The roads leading to Cayes, in the…

Waiting for the next storm!

September 5, 2008

Yesterday turned out to be a busy day for us. It rained during the night and was overcast in the morning, so we were undecided about whether to attempt the trip up the mountain to our clinic. After hearing from local people that the road was passable, we loaded the truck with our supplies and…

More Storms, More Rain, and Flooding

September 3, 2008

We’ve had another 24 hours of high winds and drenching rains as Haiti felt the effects of nearby tropical storm Hannah. The rain started around midnight Monday night and when we got up yesterday morning, our flat roof had several inches of water on it, the storage depot was flooded and there were several tree…

Hurricane Update

August 28, 2008

We’re presently reaching 48 hours of constant rainfall here in Jeremie, as a result of tropical storm Gustave. We were actually up at our clinic on Tuesday afternoon when it rained up there, but when we came down the mountain, there was no rain in Jeremie itself. That evening, the winds started, followed by rain,…

Another Emergency!

July 16, 2008

This afternoon we took another pediatric patient to the general hospital in Jérémie. We had seen him, a three-year old boy, last Thursday with fever and malaria. Since his father died and his mother lives in Port-au-Prince, he lives with his grandmother in a community near the clinic. We told the grandmother that if he…

Hiking For A Cause

July 3, 2008

On July 11th, Courtney Ley, of Shirley, Massachusetts is embarking on a rugged, 64 mile hike to raise funds and awareness for Friends for Health in Haiti. Courtney heard about Friends for Health in Haiti from her friend Pamela Adams. Pam grew up in Haiti, which is where she met and got to know Dr. Katie…


June 30, 2008

We had a rather eventful day in clinic on Thursday, the kind of day that warms your heart and lifts your spirits. As we’ve mentioned before, the foundation of our medical work in Gatineau involves a community-based model, where the communities around us participate in all aspects of our program and, as such, develop a…

Back in Haiti

June 26, 2008

We flew back to Haiti on Sunday, June 22nd, leaving behind most of our own clothes and personal belongings, so that we could bring back medications and supplies for the clinic, clothes and shoes for Madam Gerard and her family, who live with us, personal gifts for other Haitian friends and co-workers here, and construction…

U.S. Visit and Conferences

June 25, 2008

Greetings once again from Jeremie, Haiti! As I mentioned in a previous blog, Cherlie Severe and I recently spent a few weeks in the US, attending conferences, visiting family and taking care of business related to our Haiti ministry. The first conference we attended was the annual conference for Christian Connections for International Health. This…
