On the Road in the U.S.!

November 14, 2018

Cherlie and I have been in the U.S. for the past couple of weeks.  At the end of October, we were privileged to be a part of a Haiti Appreciation Luncheon at my home church, Kingston Presbyterian Church (KPC) in NJ.  We had a great time catching up with lots of friends and church members…

Handyman Dan, Hard at Work!

October 19, 2018

Not everyone who visited the clinic with the Avera team provided medical care. One of our volunteers fulfilled a very important role during his time at the clinic: handyman! Dan Irvine was gracious enough to strap on his tool belt and tackle some of the projects on Dr. Wolf’s to-do list. Most of his tasks…

A Pharmacy Makeover

October 18, 2018

We are lucky to have a pharmacy at our clinic from which our patients can receive their medications from. We purchase a lot of our medications directly in Haiti; however, some vitamins and other medicines cannot be found there or are temporarily unavailable. When visiting teams come to Haiti, they bring a supply of what…

X-rays and Ultrasounds in the Mountains

October 17, 2018

Our week at the clinic was filled with some amazing firsts! This included the first ultrasounds and x-rays to be conducted with the equipment that Avera Health graciously donated a few months ago. Susan spent a few hours getting the equipment all hooked up and ready for use! Susan Calmus, with the Avera McKennan School of…

Prevention and Community Outreach

October 16, 2018

While our clinic is focused on curative care, we also have a prevention program that allows us to reach the communities around Gatineau Health Center. Through our Water and Sanitation program we have been able to educate 24 Community Promoters to work in 12 communities. Since 2013, our Community Promoters have assisted community members in…

A Day in the Life of the Clinic

October 15, 2018

Our days started early in Haiti! We were up before the sun to the sounds of the roosters. After a quick breakfast and a cup of coffee we were out the door. The hour drive from Jeremie up the mountain the clinic site was one of the favorite parts of my day. The luscious, green…

Sacrifices and Emergency Care

August 13, 2018

Parents in rural Haiti sacrifice a lot for their children.  We see it on a daily basis as they walk for miles with little children in their arms under the hot sun, in the rain and on muddy or rocky terrain.  One little 14 month old girl was brought to the clinic as an emergency…

An Unordinary Friend

August 12, 2018

We’re back to beanies again and this little girl was so scared when she saw a beanie for the first time that she screamed. Then, the temptation to touch the beanie was too much for her and, in spite of her fear, she cautiously reached out and touched it. Finally, she and beanie became best…

God is Good!

August 11, 2018

One of our most faithful patients is little 7 year old Nadege Jean Louis, who has sickle cell anemia.  She’s a quiet little girl who always seems to appreciate coming to the clinic, even when she is having pain or fever from her sickle cell disease.  On a recent visit, her mother told me that…

Handmade Gifts Travel to Haiti

August 10, 2018

When people in the US give us gifts for our patients, they often take months to be shipped down here in drums on a shipping container.  But, they eventually arrive and we like to let them know that the gifts are being used and appreciated. Last November, my home church, Kingston Presbyterian Church, had an…
