The Tragedies of Life in Haiti

September 3, 2016

There was a death yesterday of a sixteen-year-old boy.  When we heard about it, Cherlie and I both lowered our heads and cried.  They were tears of pain and frustration, at the country we live in and the limitations of our own capabilities.  We had seen the young boy in the clinic on Thursday, orphaned…

All Things Zika

August 24, 2016

Zika virus has certainly been in the news lately, especially since it has been diagnosed in several patients in the US.  Zika is a mosquito-borne viral illness that causes fever, pain and burning of the eyes.  It is a mild illness and has no specific treatment but the danger of Zika comes from the fact…

Moving Into New Digs!

August 24, 2016

As many of you know, we have been functioning in the clinic with our pharmacy temporarily located in the same room as our registration desk and medical records.  The “actual” pharmacy is located in the adjacent lab/xray/pharmacy building but we were unable to move into that area because we didn’t yet have wooden windows installed.  …

Logistics Are Not To Be Taken For Granted!!!

July 25, 2016

There is no doubt that Haiti is a difficult place to live and work.  Many of the things that we take for granted in the US are lacking or limited here in Haiti – things like electricity, clean water, good roads, internet access, etc.  So, we learn to make do with limited resources and to…

We Love Avera!

June 20, 2016

As you may know, we began a wonderful partnership a year ago with Avera, Health, a hospital corporation that is based in Sioux Falls, SD and serves rural communities throughout SD and neighboring states.  For many years they have had an Avera Health Haiti Mission that has sent volunteers, supplies, equipment and medication to organizations…

The End of One Relationship and Beginning of Another

June 8, 2016

For several years we have been blessed to be an overseas clinical site for nursing students at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing taking their Public Health Nursing course as undergraduate BSN students.  Twice each year we have had a group of 9 students and one faculty member come down to Haiti to work with us…

Happy Tenth Anniversary!!

April 30, 2016

On April 23, 2016, Friends for Health in Haiti (FHH) celebrated the 10th year anniversary of our organization at our annual banquet at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee.  We were honored to have close to 200 people in attendance.  Through our silent auction, ticket sales, live auction, sale of Haitian crafts and help from our…

Visitors, Knees & Celebration!

April 6, 2016

In our blogs, we like to highlight the visitors and groups that come to work with us in Haiti.  They are an important part of our ministry here, since they help us to offer additional services to our patients and the communities around the clinic.  We are appreciative of the supplies and medications that they…

A Matter of Time

March 15, 2016

As you all know, Saturday night was the night when clocks changed for Daylight Savings Time in the US. For the past four years in Haiti, the time changed as well. So, we thought this year would be no different. On Saturday morning I drove a group of visitors into Port-au-Prince and took them to…

Good Hearts and God’s Grace

February 4, 2016

We were blessed recently to have a visit from a group of friends from Milwaukee that included Ray and Donna Moon, Bob Chase, Yvonne DuCharme, Lawrence DuCharme, Brittany DuCharme and Dr. Ron Schroeder. They served with us for two weeks and did they work hard! We had asked that they come down to build cabinets…
