Last week we were privileged to have a visit from Milwaukee internists Dr. Greg VonRoenn and Dr. Dan Tanty. Both have been down to Haiti several times in the past and Dr. VonRoenn is the past President of the Board of Directors of Friends for Health in Haiti. Greg and Dan had the opportunity of being able to work in our beautiful new clinic, replete with running water and electricity! I think they would agree that it was a huge improvement from our previous tin-roofed “house clinic”.

Dr. Greg VonRoenn doing a patient consultation in the clinic with his translator Reginald

Dr. Greg VonRoenn doing a patient consultation in the clinic with his translator Reginald

Dr. Dan Tanty examining a patient with a facial abscess. Translator James looks on

Dr. Dan Tanty examining a patient with a facial abscess. Translator James looks on

Dr. VonRoenn and Dr. Tanty stand in one of the examination rooms with their translators Reginald and James

Dr. VonRoenn and Dr. Tanty stand in one of the examination rooms with their translators Reginald and James

Dr. Greg VonRoenn and Dr. Dan Tanty stand outside the general hospital in Jérémie, looking out over the town

Dr. Greg VonRoenn and Dr. Dan Tanty stand outside the general hospital in Jérémie, looking out over the town

One of the services that Dr. VonRoenn and Dr. Tanty offered to our patients with severe arthritis was steroid injection of their painful knees! Many rural Haitians believe in the power of injections and they were thrilled to have another means of alleviating some of their chronic joint pain. Greg and Dan’s reputations preceded them because some patients heard they were in town and came specifically to get their “shots”.

Dr. Dan Tanty giving a steroid injection to a patient with arthritis and knee pain

Dr. Dan Tanty giving a steroid injection to a patient with arthritis and knee pain

Dr. VonRoenn with Cherlie and Katie in the hallway of the clinic

Dr. VonRoenn with Cherlie and Katie in the hallway of the clinic

Thanks to Greg and Dan for a productive week of service with us!


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  1. Marilyn Cannon Miller on March 3, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Pictures are awesome. I retired as an RN fro Wheaton last year so am familiar with both of these physicians. I am wondering about possibly coming down on a mission trip to help in clinic? I am personal friends with Dr. Wolf. I worked with her in the emergency room for years..