Parents in rural Haiti sacrifice a lot for their children.  We see it on a daily basis as they walk for miles with little children in their arms under the hot sun, in the rain and on muddy or rocky terrain.  One little 14 month old girl was brought to the clinic as an emergency one day. A plank had fallen on her right foot and her big toe was badly cut, leaving just a strand of tissue holding it in place.  We told her mother she needed to go to the hospital right away to have the toe amputated. We could tell she was extremely poor and we were afraid she wouldn’t take the child down the mountain for care. So, we gave her some money from our Poor Fund to get down there on a motorcycle and to pay for her initial care.  Well, the little girl had the surgery and her mother faithfully walked down the mountain to the hospital every couple of days for the next two weeks for dressings and wound care. One day we stopped her and told her she could follow up with us instead and didn’t need to make the trek down to the hospital in Jeremie. So, since then, she’s been coming in for dressings and the wound is nearly healed.  She’s a cute little girl, usually with a big smile on her face and we enjoy seeing her. She’s also in our malnutrition program, so we’re helping her mother get her healthy. Hopefully, soon she’ll start to walk!



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  1. Marcia Van Dyck on August 13, 2018 at 10:04 am

    grateful for feeling connected with you and your dear patients again.
    Prayers always and all times….marcia van Dyck