Not much new in terms of news today. The road to Jérémie is still blocked by gangs of protestors and there is unrest in the town of Jérémie itself. Extra Haitian police forces are out in number, according to our sources and there is less violence than there was yesterday. But, the situation is still volatile and we are staying in Port-au-Prince for the time being. Electricity is limited here but, otherwise, we are quite comfortable.

We appreciate all the prayers and emails that have been coming our way. We will continue to try to give frequent updates. There have been several articles about the arrest of Guy-Philippe on the internet. This has been a severe blow to the stability we all hoped would come with completion of the long drawn out Haitian election process. It is very disappointing


  1. marcia Van Dyck on January 7, 2017 at 10:46 pm

    Sending love and concern. Wish there was more in our press about the situation you are dealing with. My prayers are with you both and the dear people if Jeremie. Marcia

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  2. Leslea Moffitt-Schofield on January 8, 2017 at 7:43 am

    Katie, praying for your safety! Love, Leslea