Summer 2024
Something Bigger Than Yourself
At Centre de Sante de Gatineau in Haiti, we want our clinic staff and community development workers to feel proud to be affiliated with us. We want them to feel that they are part of something that is larger than themselves, accomplishing an important mission for the Lord and for the Haitian people. So, several years ago, when we trained our first group of volunteer Community Promoters, we gave them bright green t-shirts with the CSG logo on it, so they would be identified in their community as being a part of the clinic and its work.
Then, the shirts faded and the color was no longer appreciated, so we gave them gray t-shirts with the CSG logo. Shortly thereafter, we decided that our clinic staff needed some branding also and we bought them gray polo shirts.
This created a bit of jealousy when Gemi and Wilton, our community development staff workers, went out to the rural communities in their polo shirts with collars to visit the promoters who were in t-shirts without collars. The situation became a topic of discussion at one of our promoter meetings recently and I promised to remedy the situation.
We now have the clinic staff with two new colors of polo shirts – cranberry and aqua blue, the Goat Program supervisors with royal blue and the Promoters with green. The shirts were distributed to the clinic staff, Promoters and Goat Supervisors recently and they are all quite thrilled with the results. Branding and feeling a part of something larger than yourself is important!

We Change Lives
Our mission is to improve the health of the people of Haiti in a caring, compassionate manner, as a reflection of our Christian faith.
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Save The Date
Annual Celebration Banquet
Saturday, May 3, 2025