Summer 2024

Program Update

Goat Program

The New Goat Program that was started in 4 communities last May is now going into its second generation as offspring from the original female goats are old enough to be gifted to a new set of recipients in the same community. It’s this “multiplication” effect that is so special about this program, expanding the benefits of goat ownership from one set of families to another to another until soon the whole community is benefitting. Improving livelihoods helps everyone.

Agricultural Program

In October, we’ll be buying and distributing black bean seeds to our last two communities for planting in the fall planting season. This will help 250 farmers have seeds for planting, seeds they otherwise would not be able to afford. This program is another means of improving livelihoods and making rural Haitian families stronger. Thanks to all of our faithful donors!


We continue to help pay for tuition and uniform costs
for several elementary and secondary school students who will be starting the school year on October 1st.
The two medical students we’ve been supporting for several years attend school in Port-au-Prince, where their education has been slowed due to the political unrest and violence. They are both beginning their fifth year of school with internship and a Social Service year to follow.

Indigent Patient Fund

We use our clinic Indigent Patient Fund to help those who are especially in need buy medication in our clinic. But, we also use the funds to help patients go down to the government hospital in Jérémie when they are in urgent need of hospitalization. Some of them need help with motorcycle transportation to the hospital and some need assistance with initial medications and laboratory tests. One of our diabetes patients was recently transferred from Jérémie to another hospital in Fond des Blancs and we gave her family money for the ambulance transport. It's all part of helping patients receive the care they need and deserve.

Thanks to Our Donors!

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Note From Executive Director Dr. Catherine Wolf
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Something Bigger Than Yourself
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Returning Our Promoters to Their Roots
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Save The Date

Annual Celebration Banquet

Saturday, May 3, 2025