As I write this blog (2:00pm CT on Friday, November 5th), the worst of Hurricane Tomas seems to be over. Warnings about the storm had been disseminated throughout the country all week and we watched the storm’s path on the internet several times a day.  Around midnight last night, heavy rains and fierce winds began, bending the coconut trees and snapping off branches of other, less flexible trees. Porch chairs were blown
over and the rain struck the house from all directions. From 6:00 – 8:00am, there was a bit of a lull, with calming of the winds and very little rain. But, then it began again with a vengeance, the wind knocking down most of the banana trees in the yard and the rains battering our closed windows. Here are some scenes from our house:

The latest news from Port-au-Prince is that it is raining heavily there also, with strong winds and areas of flooding. We are uncertain as to whether any of the tent camps have been flooded, as was feared. We are grateful that the storm did not hit the main part of the country directly, although it appears that there will be certain loss of crops, and possibly some lives as well. We expect to go up to our clinic on Monday and will assess the damage to the communities up there. We appreciate your prayers and your support as we seek to assist those in need here in Haiti.