As you may know from our website and previous correspondence, we purchased a new Toyota Landcruiser 4-wheel drive jeep back last fall, with the help of numerous generous donors.  These vehicles are used by many major NGO’s in Haiti and the Toyota dealership cannot keep them in stock.  For this reason, they have to be specially ordered by the dealership directly from Japan.  Ours was ordered in September 2009 and was just coming into the port in Port-au-Prince in January 2010 when the earthquake occurred.  The ship was diverted to Santo Domingo, DR and the jeep was unloaded there.  Arrangements had to be made to get it and the other vehicles that were ordered at the same time, to Port-au-Prince for processing through the Haitian Customs Department.  This took until the end of February 2010.  Then began the long process of having it cleared through customs – a process that has required the assistance of many friends and acquaintances, numerous trips to and through Port-au-Prince and much more time than anticipated.  We think we are in the final stage of the process and expect to be able to get it from the dealer in 2-3 weeks.  We’ll keep you posted!

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  1. Phyllis Blodgett on July 25, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Dr. Katie and Cherlie,

    It has been a long time since I was a guest in your house and actuall just went up on your website for the first itme tonight. (embarrased to say) I love the updates and will visit the site more frequently. I miss both of you. I miss my Dodo and Premeze. How is Madame Gerard? Well I trust.

    The time spent with you has been life-changing. I have been asked to speak to a local Rotary Club about my experiences in Haiti and the depth of it will include the both of you and your vision for the future. How can I, however, share with these and others about the warmth and humor of your personalities?

    Did you move in to your bedrooms? Any more painting parties? Did you finish the yulkie white paint?

    I will pray hard now for your Jeep. I know that will be a huge blessing.

    Fondest regaurds, loving memories, kiss my friend Cherlie. God Bless–Phyllis