Greetings once again from Jeremie, Haiti! As I mentioned in a previous blog, Cherlie Severe and I recently spent a few weeks in the US, attending conferences, visiting family and taking care of business related to our Haiti ministry. The first conference we attended was the annual conference for Christian Connections for International Health. This is a wonderful organization which seeks to provide resources and networking information for faith-based organizations working in global health. There were about 125 attendees at the conference, which was held at a retreat center near Fredrick, Maryland. The conference sessions and small group activities allowed us to learn some valuable information and develop relationships with others involved in community-based work like ours. If you’re interested in more information on CCIH, I encourage you to visit their website (

The second conference, which was held in Washington, DC was the annual conference for the Global Health Council and had around 2200 attendees from over a hundred different countries! It was a whirlwind week of panel discussions, lectures and small group sessions, but allowed us to hear first hand about the most up-to-date activities in the field of global health all around the world. And, it provided us with many valuable contacts for the future. Their website is if you’re interested.