Over the past 4 weeks, we have hosted a number of volunteer groups from our partner churches in the U.S.

The first group was our good friends from the Presbytery of New Brunswick, New Jersey. The  14 of them filled meds, organized patient charts, entered patient information into our new database, installed doors throughout the house, built tables for the clinic, caulked, and painted, among many other tasks.

New Jersey Volunteer Team

The second group came from Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, WI. The 10 of them stayed for 2 weeks, tackling numerous projects around the house and for the new clinic – installing doors, building shelving units for the closets, building chairs, benches, & supply carts for the new clinic, building a so-called “Haiti Hut” to serve as an extension of the current clinic, fixing generators, and even cleaning windows.

Elmbrook Church Volunteer Team

Bench for Waiting Area of New Clinic

Haiti Hut

A third group from Oakwood Church in Delafield, WI, has been with us for one week and will stay for one more. They have already put some finishing touches on the Haiti Hut, continued the data entry process for the patient database, painted, and built some cabinet doors.

The Oakwood Crew, Building Cabinet Doors

All the groups have been a huge help in completing various projects in Jeremie and in Gatineau, and we have been very encouraged by their presence and their willingness to serve.

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  1. Debra Brooks RN, BSN on February 23, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    It was an honor to be able to work with the Oakwood and Friends for Health in Haiti Team. The need in Haiti for the basics (that we so take for granted) is huge. The Haitian people lack the very basics like health care, clean running water, electricity, sanitation, and decent roads. Anything you can do to help would be a blessing. Please consider a donation of time and/or money to help this impoverished country.