In our blogs, we like to highlight the visitors and groups that come to work with us in Haiti.  They are an important part of our ministry here, since they help us to offer additional services to our patients and the communities around the clinic.  We are appreciative of the supplies and medications that they bring to us as well, since it helps to reduce our cost of operations here at the clinic.  Kudos to our visitors!

Nurse and team leader Kathy English brought down another group from Avera in South Dakota in March.  The group included Dr. Scott Peterson, a family physician who was on his second visit, and nurses Miranda Doss, Nicole Goodroad and Joy Gebhard.  They saw lots of patients, did a lot of Pap smears that they took back to the US for analysis, did patient teaching and helped give out gifts to our patients.  Here they are in action:

Here is Joy giving a dress and Beanie baby to a young girl who came to the clinic with her Grandpa

Here is Joy giving a dress and Beanie baby to a young girl who came to the clinic with her Grandpa

Nicole found a friend in one of our young patients. They played Frisbee together in the clinic yard!

Nicole found a friend in one of our young patients. They played Frisbee together in the clinic yard!

Kathy English shows off another donated dress with its proud new owner

Kathy English shows off another donated dress with its proud new owner

Scott, Miranda, Nicole and Joy taking a break outside the clinic.

Scott, Miranda, Nicole and Joy taking a break outside the clinic.

The Avera team leaves their mark on the beach near our home in Jérémie

The Avera team leaves their mark on the beach near our home in Jérémie


Once again, we were blessed by having a visit from former FHH Board President Dr. Greg VonRoenn and fellow internist Dr. Dan Tanty.  One of the highlights of their visits to us is the opportunity for us to offer our patients steroid knee injections for arthritis pain.  The doctors bring with them the expensive injectable steroid and we have patients come in to the clinic specifically to get the injections.  It is a huge service to the patients and provides them with some short-term relief of what is sometimes very debilitating pain.  When rural Haitians can’t walk and climb hills, they can’t fetch water or harvest food to cook for themselves.  So, arthritis is a significant illness down here and one with limited treatment options.  If acetaminophen and Muscle Rub can’t help the pain, sometimes knee injections will!

Greg injects a patient’s knees while Dan assists. They made quite the team!

Greg injects a patient’s knees while Dan assists. They made quite the team!

Greg VonRoenn checks the pulse on one of the clinic patients

Greg VonRoenn checks the pulse on one of the clinic patients

Dan Tanty writes up the chart of the man whose knees were injected with steroid medication.

Dan Tanty writes up the chart of the man whose knees were injected with steroid medication.

Greg Dan Cherlie

Greg, Dan and Cherlie at the end of a hard week of work in the clinic



We want to remind everyone of our annual fund-raising banquet that is being held at the Wisconsin Club in Milwaukee on Saturday evening, April 23, 2016.  Complete details here!  This year we will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Friends for Health in Haiti, so if you are in the area, please do come help us celebrate this important milestone in our development.  And if you can’t be with us in person, you can share with us in spirit and in prayer!  The Lord has accomplished much in these past ten years and we look forward to what is to come in the future!