As a Christian organization, we endeavor to live out our faith through our work.
As a Christian organization, we endeavor to live out our faith through our work. Our chaplain begins each day at the clinic with Bible-reading and prayer and we address spiritual concerns with our patients as appropriate and led by the Spirit. We periodically visit churches in the area for educational activities and try to support them in their ministry. We have held VBS sessions with visiting church groups at the clinic and in local communities.
We have partnered some of our US supporting churches with local Haitian churches, holding Bible studies and Vacation Bible School sessions for both adults and children when visitors come down to work with us. We have also had visitors participate in local church worship services and sharing of a meal together. This has been very helpful in increasing cultural awareness among the visitors and has been an encouragement to the local Haitian congregations.
Early in January 2020 we began construction on an open-air spiritual and community center on the site of our original clinic in Gatineau. The building was nearly completed when the earthquake occurred in August 2021 and construction was stopped due to the bridge being out. We expect to begin construction again in early 2024. Once completed, this center will be able to be used for community seminars, training sessions, worship services, VBS activities and other community entertainment and edification. We’re excited about the possibilities the new facility will provide for expansion of our spiritual ministry in the Gatineau area.
Part of our spiritual ministry has involved caring for those in need after the hurricane of October 2016 and the earthquake of August 2021. After assessing the destruction from Hurricane Matthew, we gave 1500 families tin and roofing nails to rebuild houses damaged in the hurricane.
After the earthquake, we provided over 1000 families with cement and sand or tin and nails to repair and rebuild their homes. The Earthquake Relief Program was completed in October 2023 and our volunteer Community Promoters are in the process of visiting each of the families to check on the progress of construction. We want to be sure they are using the materials as intended and sometimes our promoters have even pitched in to help with the construction effort.

Save The Date
Annual Celebration Banquet
Saturday, May 3, 2025