Winter 2024

Words From Our Executive Director in Haiti

"For on the day of trouble the Lord shall shelter me in safety; the Lord shall
hide me in the secrecy of the holy place and set me high upon a rock."

Ps 27:5

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Here in Haiti, we have been praying daily for safety as the level of political instability and violence has escalated. We have, indeed, been kept safe and we appreciate the prayers that you all have offered on our behalf. In this newsletter, we will discuss the present political situation and some of the factors that led to our being in such an unstable environment. And, we’ll show you some of the areas of our ministry where we have been able to make progress, in spite of the problems in Jérémie and the rest of the country.

More Newsletter Content

Tires burning on the streets of Jérémie
What In the World Is Happening in Haiti?
Our Dedicated Community Development Team
Plates of rice, beans and goat meat await participants in the seed program
Giving More Bean Seeds
Executive Director Search
Dr. Diana Baptiste, JHSON faculty and FHH board member studying water and sanitation teaching booklet 2016
Water and Sanitiation Program
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2024 Annual Banquet

Saturday, April 20
The Wisconsin Club
Milwaukee, WI